Friday, January 27, 2017

Quarter 4 Review 3/8

004 Historical Comedy – Old 

And Martyn Wade is back in the game with Burn the Aeneid! from 1992, a delightful comedy about Roman writer Publius Vergilis (that’s Vergil to you and me, PV to the characters in the play).   It was a funny and arch story about the last will and testament of Vergil who exhorted his literary executors to burn the manuscript of the Aeneid.  Naturally, his executors (Clive Merrison, Norman Rodway) didn’t want to do this, but they were thwarted first by the lawyer Probus (David Horovitch) and then by PV’s country bumpkin half-brother and sanctimonious wife (Linda Marlowe), then by Vergil’s literary rival.  Also featuring was Homer the dog.  It was quite enjoyable; I always like an ancient Roman drama that makes you feel as though you are there, not held at arm’s length through the centuries (like the R.S. Downie books which feel very fresh and immediate).  Recurring jokes included everyone saying, “Greetings” every time some new person walked into the room.  Naturally, Vergil had a trick up his (dead) sleeve. I wish there had been a few more parts for women, but overall, it was very well cast and acted.  It was directed by Cherry Cookson and also starred James Grout, Jonathan Adams, John Webb, and Peter Gunn.

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